To begin with my ratings are my own opinion, they are what I think the book deserves based on how much I enjoyed it. Sometimes a book will be filled with clichés but I was charmed by the characters, so I still really enjoyed it and gave it four stars. Other times the book will be exciting, full of action, but I notice numerous editing mistakes that make it hard for me to concentrate on the action, so I can't give it more than two stars because I didn't enjoy it as much as I should. I have trouble with themes, I don't recognise them when I see them, so if a book is full of themes I can be counted on to miss them or to misunderstand them. I don't care what other reviewers have thought of the book, if I didn't/did like it then that's my opinion and I will write a review that reflects that opinion. I also don't care what an author wants me to think, I'm not a weak-minded storm trooper who can be talked out of thinking what I want to think - these are the droids I'm looking for and you can't go about your business.
Authors often ask why a reviewer gave a book a certain rating, well if I'm not clear enough in the review that applies to you here's what I have a problem with/am looking for in each star rating I give.
1 Star
I may have given your book one star because of a number of things. These things include, but are not limited to:
- missing or incorrectly placed punctuation
- missing or incorrectly spelled words
- weird formatting (usually only applies to eBooks)
- crappy covers (usually only applies to self-published books)
- having a large number of pages of accolades/samples from other books to pad out the page number
- weak characters who behave stupidly/out of character
- dreadful dialogue that sounds forced
- absolutely nothing going on to hold my attention
- depending on what combination of the above points a book might have I may not even be able to finish a book
- after I put the book down I feel no compunction to pick it back up, and if I do pick it back up it's under sufferance because I feel I should
- I won't read any more from this author unless it's by mistake during an impulsive borrow from the library
2 Stars
I may have given your book two stars because of a number of things. These things include, but are not limited to:
- having a large number of pages of accolades/samples from other books to pad out the page number
- missing or incorrectly placed punctuation
- missing or incorrectly spelled words
- weak characters who behave stupidly/out of character
- dreadful dialogue that sounds forced
- I managed to finish the book but it was a bit of an effort
- I will give the author another go, I'm an eternal optimist
3 Stars
I may have given your book three stars because of a number of things. These things include, but are not limited to:
- in a three star book I don't expect to see any editing mistakes
- the plot will be reasonably simple but diverting enough for a quiet afternoon
- the characters will be reasonably simple but engaging enough to keep me interested
- I will look out for other books by the author
4 Stars
I may have given your book four stars because of a number of things. These things include, but are not limited to:
- amusing, interesting characters that I want to meet
- a strong plot that makes me want to keep reading
- dialogue that sounds realistic and believable and true to each character's personality
- well described locations that make me want to visit
- I've likely put the next book by this author on hold at the library
5 Stars
I may have given your book five stars because of a number of things. These things include, but are not limited to:
- a five star book will have everything that a four star book has plus that little bit more, more interesting characters, even better dialogue, even better described locations, a plot so strong that I literally can't put it down and when I pass out from exhaustion all I dream about is getting back to that book
- I loved this book so much I wouldn't be surprised to find myself actually willing to buy this book new, at full price
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